

Katrina Rodabaugh



The sky is a slice of gray that extends from the lemon tree to the telephone pole to the electric wires crossing the gray at diagonals so the negative space between the lines is a series of triangles turned on end.

There are nine wires from here if counting.

Each coiled in black material that must keep us from the shock of it.


And why bother?

And why not?

Moments kept paralyzed between the interior and exterior or the two sides of us are in conflict with our selves and with the other.

You’re an asshole.

You say it over email and then we agree.

But not why this time and so there’s nothing to move ahead into the light that keeps moving regardless of you me we.


The grass is artificial in that part of the park but it looks like grass nonetheless but doesn’t smell it.

It makes knees slam softer into shin bones or into ligaments and tendons that hold us put together softer knees.

Something bigger than our selves.

Families and then so many families in so many cities and then so many cities in so many regions and then so many regions in so many countries and then this says nothing of watersheds or wildlife or mountain ranges and streams and large bodies of water that are already separating regions and systems and so I lose count and come back to you me we.

This is to say the level of toxins as air pollution and pesticides as run-off.


Barn swallows are sparrow-sized and most familiar with a deeply forked tail or upperparts are dark steely blue even iridescent and underparts buff throat and forehead are rusty terracotta cantaloupe and low burgundy moon.

Two navy blue silhouettes of swallows facing each other across the shoulder blades of her back so she called them traditional bird tattoos.

I traced them on to paper and then traced them on to fabric and then from blue circles to plum swirls to lavender felted sweater then stitch two purl one or repeat after me.

Her hair was the required long and gray gone wiry with all the star tattoos she kept spread across her arms and legs.


Ours was a story but it was not like this.

Not like this way they wanted it to end.


All the freeways oversecting and undersecting overhead in Oakland and the Canada Geese shifting weight from one webbed foot to the other then shifting weight between.

Waddle when we go it.

We walk from here to there for warm or warmer apple cider on Saturday afternoons.

In Brooklyn the park arches out towards the statue kept in the center of the traffic circle as if to keep all this swirling in some pattern or some circular connection like ligament and tissue and tendon and spaces around the knees or like the circular traffic pattern makes knees slam softer into shin bones or into ligaments and tendons that hold us put together softer knees.


On a good day we sit with our backs let go to the benches and watch the cars cross then cross between.


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