

Katrina Rodabaugh



You know there is something missing but you don’t know what the missing is.

The neighbors are pissed at the neighbors who are reconstructing the side yard while the neighbors are replacing their windows but still the neighbors are pissed at the neighbors because of the sound of things hammering like he drops the ladder and it clanks against the steps his stepping.

Star tattoos and circles too up her arms and legs like birthmarks.

She is obsessed with the birding too or that is the problem in identifying just one witness.


She said he helped her pull the weeds from the garden and laid a cover crop of alfalfa and clover and comfrey over the beds that lined the yard and this might seem like big and in the country when small and in the city but she wanted to grow food there instead of ornamentals or grasses and ferns.

The women are too many to count them.

My mother.

And then your mother.

And to watch the years grow like thread lines around the eyes and forehead and at the edges of the mouth stitches sewn having or indicating a life often pushing shoulders and kneecaps uphill against things the body wanted to be slicing into or this was also a good use of time.

Endocrine system or digestive system and how that is different from the ache.


She said the pushing at the thing with shoulders and kneecaps is about that pushing of things and by that I mean struggle.

She said to write about the war and I wondered which one of them to include in the warring where to start and where to end or just to focus on the present but seems false when so much has preceded these moments and important although difficult to comprehend and then which parts are omitted or like language full of editing.


Oak and maple hickory birch willow and pine he said the rain would be different if her legs were draped over my lap and the two of us reading but I am walking through it on my way to return a movie and so that raining is wet but something different than his rain.

The bodies moved against the smooth green sheets and it wasn’t the bodies that were finally moving.


Pesticides dropped from airplanes onto monoculture crops or wheat corn maybe soy or corn.

Birds falling birds with feathers and wings and beaks maybe conical or pink.

Blackbirds buntings cardinals finches flycatchers grosbeaks hummingbirds jays larks magpies meadowlarks mockingbirds nuthatches orioles sparrows starlings swallows tanagers thrushes titmice warblers woodpeckers wrens.

Metal birds slice come pesticides and that was or had to be or is still very alarming.

To move like you do.

But real time and with limbs reach for limbs and mouths for gaping hole or orifice or sex organ or cunt cock anus hand tongue or warm limbs reach through then press against you me we.

A heat.

A flush.

A hungering.


When forced through recorded messages that can be deleted and kept in boxes like handmade boxes but not made of handmade construction.

His ladder against the front steps and just across the city not the neighbor and the beds covered up for a wintering of alfalfa or comfrey or clover.



Emails like lifelines and lineage and she said birdsong but over the television we could not hear her.

He said in those moments following crisis even the media was unresponsive or not prepared to say or never mind Oakland or even Brooklyn we are talking finance so maybe San Francisco or downtown Manhattan or some smaller finance city maybe in the space that rambles out between.

So words like star tattoos filled up our domestic or the inner and outer distance.


This ache of lung from here to there from here to hours east but somewhere like a songbird out in the outer distance.

Leaning into the sink that looks past the porch that looks past the yard and past the row of evergreens planted before they knew he would be years full of a poison and so years full of somebody actually dying a drawn chilled death and sometimes death is slow.

As if not happening at the edge of the window and then in the outer distance.

Beyond the fields full of tall grass blown about small rodents furrowing and in the outer distance.

The freeway now over you me we or that pleases us just to hush and witness.


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there 2008