consists primarily of pollen and dust. Feeds the
organisms that feed
minnows, feel the foot of a minor key? Tampers spreading of ripples.
Holds bubbles significantly longer, giving them sustenance, an
hut or igloo. Torque of slow motion explosion. Contemplative. Bears,
through reflection, a meditative grace. Appears to be dry. Retains
the pattern of an organism's passing for hours, thus a map, worlds
in its world. Possibly, with clouds and currents, a major influence
on Chinese painting for several centuries. As echo of light, provides
a slightly out of focus backdrop for the reaching green of the
plant at
my feet, a rogue bush as aria of life before a melancholy set,
gray off-
white to just gray. Of what is color? We are nearer to the clarities
the obscurities of silhouette. Grace notes. Gravity. When backlit
sun, emphasizes light and shadow above all other things, scale,
pattern in the glare or sheen that almost steps ashore. Not undesired.
1 To
Williams's nose. Water has grown a skin.