
rewriting landscape.


Skip Fox

listening to the rain


knowing what's coming, Lili, a hurricane, might tear me
a new one this time, landfall by eight, it's quarter-to-
five and I'm not sure what I should be doing, thinking of
the comedy of consolations, Good thing I put grandma's
bowl in the fridge as my house floats by, good thing they
have a word for it, catastrophic, chaos, wind and rain rake
roof (Headline of the Gods!), maybe the consolation of
words or music in an expanding room, few trucks on the
road, coming home yesterday afternoon, town shutting
down, a gleam on every pleasant goddamn thing, on the
wheels of shopping carts, sides of cars and buildings, in
the eyes of my fellow creatures, friendly, no one frantic,
category 3 headed to 4, sharp rain on roof woke me early
this morning, already a magnificent beast in the distance

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