
rewriting landscape.


Halvard Johnson


5. Plateau




               McKeesport         mkezīport        KEY         city

Allegheny co      SW P         in hilly  at

           the confluence of the Monongahela and Youghiogheny rivers; settled


               S central Ind                        N of Nashville  Crossroads community  Heavily

forested  Hilly

                    bicycle motocross

               bicycle race     especially one involving young people riding bicycles designed

for rough


            Noonan     Peggy  The Columbia World of Quotations

               like the trench warfare of World War I: never have so many fought so hard for

such barren 

           ATTRIBUTION:Peggy Noonan                              U S  author     presidential


                      Cinco de Mayo

               town     Xochiapulco municipio     N Puebla     Mexico                     SW of

Tlatlauquitepec  Mountainous

            which is well irrigated  Temperate to hot humid climate  Agr


                                               central Fl         bounded E by Kissimmee R ; Sebring;


           with many lakes     notably L  Istokpoga; SE corner of co  in Everglades


                                         NW Wis ; Shell L ;                            Drained by Namekagon

and Yellow rivers  Wooded

            with many lakes  Beans; cattle     sheep; summer resort are     St


               Oaxaca     Mexico                        E of Teotitlan de Flores Magon


           in the Papaloapan R  basin  Cold to temperate climate  Agr      corn


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