
rewriting landscape.


Halvard Johnson


4. Stream


garden in

           which rocks are arranged and plants cultivated in a carefully   



               abbr  MX A cross-country motorcycle race over a closed course of rough  with

steep hills and

           sharp curves  Also called scramble  French moto-cross : moto     


               A vehicle having three wheels     as a small     all- motor vehicle    


               The character     natural features     and configuration of land:   the lay of the

land  See

                     Cheshire     county     England                 

                                                                                                W central England  The

county seat is Chester  The

           is generally low     flat     and fertile  Its chief rivers are the Mersey   


               SE China     on Taiwan Strait  The capital is Fuzhou  The climate is

warmilesand very moist     the

           mostly hilly or mountainous  Of the many ports on the heavily indented   


               Ubayyid is the capital  Kordufan is divided into North     West     and South

Kordufan states  Its    

           generally level in the north     rises in the south to the Nub     

                     Fundy National Park                 

                                          S N           Canada     on the Bay of Fundy near St  John; est              

It has a rugged

           with a wooded interior and an irregular shoreline that is constantly


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