
rewriting landscape.


Halvard Johnson


6. Lake


An area having a preponderance of a particular rock or rock groups

Alteration of


               that roves; a wanderer       A crewed or uncrewed vehicle     used especially in

exploring the  of a

           planet and its satellites       Sports A mark in archery selected


               used for or associated with a specific individual or activity: country     district

region          territory


               municipio     S central Puebla     Mexico                      NW of the city of Puebl

Rugged steep

           with water fromilesthe Atoyac R  Temperate climate with colder temperatures


                                          E Tlaxcala     Mexico                        NW of Huamantla;

Steep     rugged

             Temperate climate  Agr      cereals     fruits        woods; cattle and


                                     N Sonora state     Mexico                         ESE of Caborca     on

RR;                              Flat

            with gradual elevs  of                             miles    on the Magdalena R  Dry desert



               Minicipio     Veracruz     Mexico                      SW of Adalberto Tejed


           at foot of the Sierra Madre     water available fromilesthe Rio Blanco


               Oaxaca     Mexico                       ESE of Huajuapamilesde Leon  Elev


             Temperate climate  Agr      cereals     fruits     mezcal        woods  Also called


                                                 central Fl         bounded NE by St  Johns R ; Tavares;


           with hundreds of lakes     including Harris     Griffin     Dora     Eustis


                   /                    ;                                              NE Kansas; Seneca;

Gently sloping

                bordered N by Nebr ;drained by South Fork Nemaha R  Cattle     hogs

         Fundy National Park

                           /                    S N          Canada     on the Bay of Fundy     near St  John

It has a rugged

           with a wooded interior and an irregular shoreline that is constantly


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