suicided? artaud & van gogh
[van] in a newborn
child whipped came out of the entire order based on the not getting
over its sickness so the investigations of certain
visionaries whose faculties vital revelations he was about to
make and all of society secretly united against his consciousness
[nerval] [nietzsche] [kierkegaard] [holderlin] and [coleridge]
there was a spell [gogh] also it can happen during the day but
and of human breathing and of the poisonous aggressiveness of
the evil minds [gogh] have had light as our friend the actor [roger
blin] so rightly hand that was heroism pure and simple as for
ear that was
[van] iniquitous spirit not succeeding on contrary
he had just effaced the supernatural consciousness that no [van
was not mad to
all the other paintings popular at [van gogh]’s painting doesn’t
attack a certain conformity and morals but the conformity of institutions
themselves and nature with its climates tides equinoctial storms
cannot maintain the gravitation after [van
gogh]’s stay on
earth all the more reason on the social plane for institutions to
disintegrate and for medicine which [gogh] insane faced with [van
gogh]’s lucidity always active psychiatry becomes nothing but
human suffocation worthy product of their warped minds indeed there
is not a psychiatrist
very internal organic no law against consciousness
suffers because believing erotic crime from which as not genuinely
insane and what
is to go mad in the social sense [van gogh] who painted neither
lines nor shapes as if they were having convulsions and inert under
became so obscure as when the whole world and [gogh] never ceases
battering at all forms of nature and objects of their eviscerated
meanderings so that no one knows on the other [gogh]’s paintings
is always an historical event not in the history of painted historical
history for there is no famine no epidemic no volcanic eruption no