
rewriting landscape.


Donald Wellman



In each cell of the colony, if the application of force exceeds a threshold of vibration ...

¿Eres tu, México, cuna de mi soledad?

Rooms in Reforma
Bar in Condesa
Sweet camarones, as never, salsa de ajo

Learning the quirks of Avenida Hamburgo, confronting at an intersection garish lovers, coarse full lips; then in a children’s park inscribed with memories of Leipzig, an alley between office blocks and the carpark, opens on a small plaza with a monument in the presumed likeness of Giordano Bruno, student of poly-angularity, he sought to beautify human nature and human cities in the face of the advance of the apocalyptical beast :

Y dispongamos de tal manera al sol que está a puesta de salir, que no nos descubra tan inmundos como estamos, debimos limpiarnos y hermosearnos, no solamente nosotros sino también nuestras estancias y nuestros techos han de estar pulidos y claros; débenos purificarnos interior y exteriormente.

Expulsion de la bestia triunfante

For a period of 21 months,
to determine the needful equilibrium,
Fernando López Carmona
suspended an enormous pendulum
from the crossing of the dome
of the Catedral Metropolitana.
The temple of the Capilla del Altillo
stands on a rhomboid, the roof,
a hyperbolic parabola. Arcs
intersecting angles that spill
over the sun-bright plazas,
precisely indicated shadows,
enormous clocks, radial arms,
shadows define solar scales.

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