
rewriting landscape.


Glenn Bach

from Atlas Peripatetic



             as well as true wood and tough branches,
             nothing to carry here but a wide swath of lawn
             with whole leaves reduced to shredded leaves,
             what ground condition of branches and acorns,
             maple seeds and pine cones.

             small sized trees and the bigger branches
             in this yard of twigs and fallen leaves
             that cover the organic matter of shredded leaves
             and brush, leaves reduced and twigs,
             small branches for the size of the yard
             and the kind of trees.

             chop leaves and twigs with more chipper
             and shredder blades, yard waste reduced
             to processed material, leaves raked,
             material discharged onto the damp ground.

             are wet, branches are reduced to chunks,
             a tamper pushes leaves and small sticks
             are vacuumed, leaves from shrubbery
             and plant beds, branches from large trees,
             dead branches on uneven or hilly lawns
             (lawns not pavement), a leaf blower
             for leaf removal and reducing leaves
             and twigs to something unrecognizable.

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